Congratulations Indrajit and Lakshmi!

On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 3:41 PM Dr. Manavpreet Kaur <> wrote:
Congratulations to Indrajit and Lakshmi. We are going there first time , let's make the most of it.
Thanks to CIS A2K for extending this support.


On Fri, 26 Jul 2019, 14:19 Ashwin Baindur, <> wrote:
Good to know that we are supporting those who haven't been earlier. New people should get the chance to go and experience the global movement for such events. When the same people go to Wikimania more than once, often they aren't able to contribute or learn anything more than what they already did. 

All the best Indrajit & Dhanalakshmi 😊. Please ensure that you participate fully and wholeheartedly on behalf of all of us and do provide a full report for those of us who are interested but are unable to make it out of India.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2019, 12:05 PM Ananth Subray <> wrote:


Hope this email finds you well. The preparation of Wikimania 2019 is going on, and we hope to see enthusiastic participation from India this year as well.

You know that in addition to the main Wikimania scholarship, there has been a practice to offer scholarships to Wikimedians from India. The practice was started by Wikimedia India, and currently, CIS-A2K is working on this. CIS-A2K has consulted Wikimedia India Chapter and is happy to announce that

This year 2 Wikimedians from Indian will be given support to attend Wikimania.

Following are the criteria:

  1. The participants are selected based on the points they received from Wikimania selection committee set up by WMF. They shared the list with us. 

  2. Applicants who received scholarship earlier and attended past Wikimanias are not selected in favour of applicants who never got a chance to attend.

  3. We have ensured 1 female participation in this list.

Based on these criteria User:User:Indrajitdas and User:User:Dhanalakshmi_.K._T for Wikimania 2019 are selected.

We have already contacted them and they have accepted the invitation. The required documents have been sent to the Wikimedians, and hope they will get their visa very soon.

We are unable to support a partial scholarship for budgetary constraints.

Thanks and Regards,


Programme Associate at The Centre for Internet & Society

Secretary of Wikipedia & Education User Group

Co-founder of Lakshya


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