Hi Shyamal

The Executive committee is given that much liberty to take decisions which are in the benefit of the community.

In this case, for the above mentioned grant the applicants are well known Bengali community members. Also as seen in the grant application, endorsements are made from the bangla community members of both India & Bangladesh

If the chapter members feel that the EC has taken a decision in haste , the members are welcome to discuss this in our WMIN mailing list.

Yohann Thomas
Executive Committee Member
Wikimedia India

PS Shyamal, I strongly suggest that you become a member of the chapter :) !!

Yohann Thomas

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:51 AM, Shyamal Lakshminarayanan <lshyamal@gmail.com> wrote:
I am not a member of the Wikimedia India Chapter although I am very much interested in seeing it function as a mature organization. I suppose that Wikimedia Chapters from around the world have evolved a set of best practices and have ensured that these are shared somewhere. These ideas will probably make the requirements of chapters a little more than just the minimum legal requirements involved in maintaining the status of a legal entity according to the laws of the lands in which the chapters operate. 

I raise this point as a rank outsider because there is a claim in a recent project proposal that it has been "endorsed" by the Wikimedia India Chapter. My expectation then is that this has been given due diligence, discussed by all members and the summary/minutes/transcripts made public. Even ideas on Wikipedia that do not involve any money go through a greater amount of (not to mention transparent) discussion than what we see here and it seems to me that some of these basic discussion procedures that we take for granted as part of the spirit of Wikipedia should be compulsory for organizations associated with the WMF.

Would be very happy to be proved wrong here.

best wishes

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