Volunteers are equally dedicated, if not more, than paid employees.
I've known people who have traveled long distances at their own expense to hold workshopa and other events.
Rarely have I seen a paid employee work with the same efficiency.

On May 1, 2014 1:40 AM, "Gerard Meijssen" <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
I am saying neither. When I describe the efforts by the paid staff of the Dutch chapter, I find that they are really dedicated and deal with complex issues where many people and organisations are involved. It takes a deep understanding and availability in time and is very much supportive of what the volunteers do.

This does not detract from the volunteers one bit, they are in fact supported by the efforts from the Dutch chapter. The efforts by the paid staff is very much concentrated on the things that the volunteers do not take up. Consequently things get done and, that is what counts.

The volunteers are very dedicated in the things they do. The Dutch volunteers brought you "Wiki loves monuments" for instance :)

On 30 April 2014 21:53, Karthik Nadar <karthikndr@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Gerard,
"/ It takes a full time effort of very dedicated people."
I understand two points from this: 1. Either you say that the volunteer community here is not dedicated?? 2. Or either the paid community is not dedicated.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I'm, that's because you are going off-topic.
Karthik Nadar.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
When I observe the activities of the Dutch chapter I find that they take up things that volunteers are not able to.  They are things that are often complex and take a large network. What the Dutch chapter does for GLAM is much more than reaching out to individual GLAM institutions. It takes a full time effort of very dedicated people.

Your assumption that it is about building a better Wikipedia indicates to me how limited your notion is about what it takes to "share in the sum of all knowledge". 

I do not know CIS enough to categorically state that they are in the same league. What I have seen is however encouraging. What I do know and I said it before, the challenges to bring the sum of all knowledge to India is overwhelming. The biggest challenge apparently is people.

On 30 April 2014 10:02, Ravishankar <ravidreams@gmail.com> wrote:

Volunteers come and volunteers go. That is the nature of the movement.

Do you propose to build a better Wikipedia with paid staff?

Please try.


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