On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 16:00, Nitika <ntandon@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I'll be more than happy to formulate a plan/proposal for this.

Pragyaan 12: http://www.pragyan.org/12/home/  is running through 23rd-26th Feb that means we have enough time to organise this well. Going through the website I feel that they'll have different events running simultaneously on all 4 days and don't not have provisions for stalls. But please correct me if Im wrong.

They did have stalls last time I think, but don't know about this time, gotta check with Srikanth.
Here is what I propose:

1. Organise at least 8 Wiki sessions during these 4 days. We can keep the morning sessions in English and every evening we can conduct in Tamil. Doing 2 sessions every day will mean that the participants can pick and choose the date and time according to their own convenience. This might lead to more people attending the session.
IMO, we don't need to do it for all the 4 days. 2 days with high participation might be better than 4 days with moderate participation. Again, this is my opinion.
2. We should organise Editathons everyday where participants who have already attended wiki sessions during the day can join in. It's important for newbies to experience and practice editing before they fall in love with Wikipedia and Editathons can provide them such a platform. :)
That's great! We can throw one morning for a Commons event probably? Just a thought.
3. I personally really like the idea of Trivia sessions. It keeps the participants enthusiastic and interested.
4. How about using this tech fest as a platform to get interested people kick off a Wikipedia Club?
5. How about inviting the participants to join in the Tamil Wiki Media Contest?
In fact the Tamil Wikimedia contest will be ending on the 28th if I'm not wrong. Its a great platform to publicize it. 

Participating in an event as big as this one will definitely need more volunteers. Could I please request more people from Chennai, Coimbatore,  Bangalore, Kerala to raise hands if they'd like to volunteer on ground for this event. 

More ideas/suggestions are welcome.


On 19-Jan-2012, at 2:59 PM, Swaroop Rao wrote:

I just got this mail from Rsrikanth05, who is handling an event at NIT Trichy. He has some important things to note about the event, awaiting some replies and help!

Swaroop Rao

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Srikanth Ramakrishnan <rsrikanth05@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 21:17
Subject: Pragyaan 12 - NIT Trichy
To: Swaroop Rao <swarooprao@wikimedia.in>

Forward this to the list and the Chapter, we need a plan ASAP.

I spoke to Saagar today.
Here are the main issues:
Plan: We need a plan of action, and we need it fast.
I was asked if this was a contest or a workshop, to which I stated that it was a Workshop.

Here are the key points we discussed:

1> Date/Day/Schedule: The event is spread over four days, and is jam packed. We need to schedule it properly, and get a follow up mechanism in place.
2> ISO certification: Pragyaan is the fourth Technical fest in India to get ISO certification. Because of this, the organisers, have to sign an MoU with the organiser/promoter of each individual event. I believe the chapter needs to do something about this. The main purpose of this is to show that the event is taking place and to promote it.
3> Swags: I was suggested that we have a small trivia session thru the session and give out same Laptop stickers/tees/etc.
4> Accommodation: This is really tight. We need to inform the number of participants beforehand to make sure that we can get accommodation.

I know Bala won't be able to make it. What about other Community members - Chennai, Coimbatore, Salem, Bangalore, Kerala?

Do remember, this is NIT Trichy. A BIG event. I believe Tinu and Logic had done something at NITT earlier. Hoping that they would do it this time as well.

Hoping for a response soon.

Srikanth Ramakrishnan,
Sathyamangalam-Gobichettipalayam Star Gazers, Coimbatore.
HA! I scored 72.9% in my first semester, after scoring 38% in my 12th.
Ab bolo, kaun kiska baap.


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