       Please get in touch with Gautam/ Arunram for contacts of WikiBhasha team , Microsoft Bangalore. They ( MS team) recently presented it in one of the Wikimeetups in Bangalore. You may share your concerns directly with them. 
       Although I won't call it as disruptive, It is better to move the third party signatures to edit summary than the article page ( like the Google translation kit).

Tinu Cherian 

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Siebrand Mazeland <> wrote:
Hi. Recently i have started contracting for Microsoft Research to be a community liason with regards to Wikibhasha.

I understand your concerns, although I disagree that adding a comment on a page after an edit should be considered "highly disruptive".

Please create a change request in to change the inline text comment to some identification in the edit summary. The Wikibhasha team at Microsoft research India will take all input very seriously.

Siebrand Mazeland
M: +31 6 50 69 1239
Skype: siebrand

On 7 feb. 2011, at 09:26, Shiju Alex <> wrote:

But i have no idea if Microsoft will actually listen to us.

If wikibasha is used in your respective wiki's and keeps adding this signature, please urge the wikibasha developers to stop this practice.

It all depends on how active the respective wiki community is. If the language wikis have an active community and strong policies then corportaes like Google or Microsoft can not overrule that.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Bala Jeyaraman <> wrote:
Microsoft's translation tool Wikibasha creates a code snippet like this - <!-- WikiBhasha v=1 time=2011-2-6:11:20:20:309--> at the bottom of the article everytime it is used to edit wikipedia pages. I found this out when the MS representative made sample edits to Tamil wikipedia. He claims that they need this to track the edits made using wikibasha.

I believe this practice is highly disruptive because, adding such a signature to the bottom of the article is
a)tantamount to claiming that the entire article is the work of wikibasha
b) If we allow this practice, then all automated tools will start adding their code snippets, bloating the page with useless code signatures.

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