Hi everyone

As was discussed in the Mumbai Meetup #14 on the 15th of this month, we are organising WIkipedia Takes Mumbai 2012 on the 28th, which is the coming Saturday.

Wiki page for the event: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WTMUM2
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wikitakesmumbai
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/301044829930784/

List of places we want to cover: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B_5CneXRV5n1BV4lOtbEGVy-PeTduATRYn-blNbU7n4/edit?pli=1

We have 3 routes in mind:
1) Western: http://g.co/maps/8udzv
2) South A: http://g.co/maps/m4hx2
3) South B: http://g.co/maps/z9atv

We would love to get suggestions on the places/routes and any advice that might help going forward.

Also we'd be glad if more volunteers come forward for the same. We can definitely use more hands :)

Currently myself, Nikita Belavate and Karthik Nadar are working on this, with the aid of mentoring from Pranav Curumsey, Moksh Juneja and Noopur Raval.

Thanks and Regards
Anshuman Fotedar