When I observe the activities of the Dutch chapter I find that they take up things that volunteers are not able to.  They are things that are often complex and take a large network. What the Dutch chapter does for GLAM is much more than reaching out to individual GLAM institutions. It takes a full time effort of very dedicated people.

Your assumption that it is about building a better Wikipedia indicates to me how limited your notion is about what it takes to "share in the sum of all knowledge". 

I do not know CIS enough to categorically state that they are in the same league. What I have seen is however encouraging. What I do know and I said it before, the challenges to bring the sum of all knowledge to India is overwhelming. The biggest challenge apparently is people.

On 30 April 2014 10:02, Ravishankar <ravidreams@gmail.com> wrote:

Volunteers come and volunteers go. That is the nature of the movement.

Do you propose to build a better Wikipedia with paid staff?

Please try.


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