You are not articulating your position quite well here. There already is a national chapter. Sub-national chapters aren't very common.

Can someone else from your supporters speak up? Mayur, are you reading this? I left a message on your page on about his wikimania bid a couple of weeks ago. 

As I recall vibhi, you also applied for the Grant Advisory committee [1] along with several other people, either way, I assure you committee seat is not a criteria for chapter formation.  



On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Vibhi Jain <> wrote:
Well I have placed the chapter request with a lot of discussion with Mayur, a member of the Grand Advisory Committee. We have the support of many hindi wikipedians including two crats, Mayur and Ashish. And we will soon get the support from more 20 wikipedians. Wikimedia India chapter is mainly Concentrated toward South Indian Languages, New Chapter in New delhi will help make a good community in India. Well Tinu, you are right, you don't need more organisations, but we need. Well, 10-20 people interested are needed for a chapter, lets see, if we gets them, then only we will proceed. 

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