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teh con man

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 8:26 PM, Dhaval S. Vyas <> wrote:

Hi Priyanka,

Feel free to approach me for any help in localising gadget. I am admin on gu.wp & and have localised/imported a few gadgets there.


On 19 Mar 2013 11:34, "priyanka nag" <> wrote:
Hi all,
I had introduced myself sometime back in the same mailing list, but just incase I am not remembered, here I introduce myself again.
I am Priyanka Nag, a post graduation student in Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research. I am a OPW intern under Wikimedia.
As a part of my internship, I need to implement a feature on the Bengali, Hindi and Marathi Wikipedia. It is the citation option which is present on the English Wikipedia but missing from most other Wikipedias (actually present in none of the Indic language Wikipedia(s)). I was trying to get this feature up in the Bengali, Hindi and Marathi Wikipedia (only reason I chose these are because these are the only Indic languages I understand). To get this done, I will either need the admin rights to these Wikipedias or need help from the admins to get this feature up. I will need it going as soon as possible. Can anyone please help me out with the same?
I will also need someone to translate a few strings in Hindi and Marathi for the Citation template as I am not strong enough in these languages as to trust my own translations. There are not many strings, just a few ones in a single file. I can pass on the JavaScript file with the strings if anyone can help translating them.

Priyanka Nag
SICSR | Msc.CA (2012-2014)

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