Thanks Kul for the update. I am glad to see the achievments. Congratulations  to all the participants. I too wanted to join but  could not because it was done in parallel with separate registration process. Hope we can improve  next time so that you have real Wikipedians user perspective  as well.


On Nov 30, 2011 3:45 AM, "Kul Wadhwa" <kwadhwa@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Crosspost to the Wikimedia India Mailing list.



We recently completed a Hackathon in India where the themes were:
* localization
* mobile
* offline

In summary, over one weekend more than 50 volunteers from many parts
of India added their hard work and insights to the technical
foundation of Wikipedia. In the mobile area alone, volunteers
contributed to 17 features, as listed here (features that were worked
on are marked with an "H"):


We also got support and input from most of the major mobile operators
in India about how to make our user experience better. Free access to
Wikipedia is moving forward on a number of fronts, as we identified
several forms of collaboration, not just in the form of Wikipedia
Zero. For example, there seems to be widespread interest in using an
RSS feed of the Article of the Day, and the top 5 languages in India
are important.

This was our first hackathon in India and all in all, it was a
resounding success.

For those of you who were at the event, many thanks and
congratulations for your achievements in such a short period of time!
We certainly hope you continue to stay involved and continue to

IRC is a good way for developers to stay in touch. Join
wikimedia-mobile on irc.freenode.net.


Phil Inje Chang
Product Manager, Mobile
Wikimedia Foundation
415-812-0854 m
415-882-7982 x 6810

Mobile-l mailing list

Kul Wadhwa
Wikimedia Foundation
+1-415-839-6885 ext. 6603

Wikimediaindia-l mailing list
To unsubscribe from the list / change mailing preferences visit https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediaindia-l