If there is one thing that makes Museums, archives sit up and take notice, it is when a project is proposed that adds value to their collection. Many ancient works including documents exist in a GLAM without there being REAL interest in them. Often because nobody knows the language and sometimes even because the script used is not supported with fonts or with a definition for the glyphs in Unicode.

A project with a GLAM scanning documents or publishing photos with texts is something many Indic projects are well placed to take advantage off. The Malayalam community regularly transcribes books from scans or photos. They have published a CD with the work they did in a year. 

Given the Malayalam experience and the Marathi ambition any GLAM with a considerable Indian collection could benefit from a coordinated approach for the transcription of their material. There may be many languages that are represented, there may be problems with fonts and scripts but it would be an awesome project because it straddles the cultural heritage of many cultures and countries. It will also be wonderful to have a Wiki project that will be so much a project of multiple Wikimedia communities.

PS my ambition is to do a pilot project with the Tropenmuseum. It would be about the Batak languages and one fringe benefit that is key to me personally would be the creation of the first Unicode font for the Batak script. The Batak live in Sumatra, Indonesia.

On 2 January 2012 18:45, Pradeep Mohandas <pradeep.mohandas@gmail.com> wrote:

There are ancient Indian works in libraries and archives abroad. There are also a few contemproary translations of this work into English in the same libraries and archives. Are such works in the public domain? Are they on any open knowledge platforms? Can the works not already here be brought onto online resources such as Wikisource?

warm regards,

Pradeep Mohandas
How Pradeep uses email - http://goo.gl/6v1I9

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