Hello Abbad,

Since the meeting was called at the last moment and during the month of festival season in India, I guess, majority of the affiliates couldn't show up in the meeting. Nevertheless, Suyash Dwivedi is a good choice.

Now, how will the affiliates engage the selector to select their preferred candidates? What will be the process to reflect the decision of all the affiliates?


On Mon, Oct 11, 2021, 15:58 Abbad Diraneyya <adiraneyya-ctr@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Apologies for posting several times in the last few days. 

Yesterday we held a meeting for the SAARC region regarding its selector. The selector will represent the region when casting the affiliates vote for choosing members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. The result was agreement on User:Suyash.dwivedi as the region's selector. Suyash will be one among eight representatives of other regions who will take part on behalf of affiliates.

Additionally, all of you, as Wikimedians, have the chance to cast your votes in the Drafting Committeee's elections that will start in a few hours and run until 24 October. Here's a link to the candidates page (the option for voting will appear there soon).

All the best,

Knowledge Management Coordinator
Strategy Team

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