Done! translated (the page) and sent to the Wikimedia movement Brazil mailing list (our list is friendly, then accepted some things non-wikimedia: D). There are other lists but i do not know if it is within the same subject. You think I should share with (or the scope is similar to) the Pirate Party Brazil?

What is the scope of the project, exactly?

Best regards! 

2013/9/10 Raylton P. Sousa <>
[OFF] Aí gente! Se alguém se interessar (conhecer quem se interesse) pelo projeto!  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Quim Gil <>
Date: 2013/9/9
Subject: Translating one page to Portuguese
To: "Raylton P. Sousa" <>

Hi Raylton!

This is a non-Wikimedia request. Could you or someone you know translate this short page to Portuguese? I really want to get my pet project closer to the freedom lovers of Brazil and Portugal.  :)

Thank you! (or no worries).
