Dear Wiki***p***edia Brazil na segunda metade da mensagem...

A pessoa está sendo paga e escreve isso...

Não quero desqualificar a competência técnica dela, mas ao menos por aqui as pessoas são "obrigadas" a realizarem pesquisas sobre a instituição para se destacar no momento de contratação.

Faltou apuração de Wikipedia versus Wikimedia e wikis idiomáticas versus wikis nacionais.

Enfim, espero que alguém possa contribuir com ela. Eu pessoalmente não (voltei a editar nessas semanas, mas estou me focando um pouco mais do que antes; estou sem disponibilidade para traduções e demais contribuições que não sejam exclusivamente direcionadas ao Wikisource e/ou questões de copyright)


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Wikimedia Brasil <> wrote:
Jessica autorizou o encaminhamento do email abaixo:

From: Jessica Robell <>
Subject: Introduction
Date: 2013-12-10 00:55:47

> Dear Wikimedia Brazil,
> I am contacting you to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Robell and I
> have recently joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a part of the fundraising
> team.
> My work will be focused to a large extent around translations and my aim is
> to create a database of engaged and trustworthy translators. I would be
> very interested in having a discussion with you regarding ways to find
> trustworthy Brazilian Portuguese/English speakers who would be interested
> in contributing with their time.
> If possible, I would be delighted to have a call with you at a convenient
> time to further discuss this matter.
> Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Jessica Robell
> Global Fundraising Coordinator
> Wikimedia Foundation
---- End forwarded message ---
Dear Wikipedia Brazil,

I am contacting you to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Robell and I
have recently joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a part of the fundraising
My work will be focused to a large extent around translations and my aim is
to create a database of engaged and trustworthy translators. I would be
very interested in having a discussion with you regarding ways to find
trustworthy Brazilian Portuguese/English speakers who would be interested
in contributing with their time.

If possible, I would be delighted to have a call with you at a convenient
time to further discuss this matter.

Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Jessica Robell

Global Fundraising Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

Dear Wikipedia Brazil,

I am contacting you to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Robell and I have recently joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a part of the fundraising team. 
My work will be focused to a large extent around translations and my aim is to create a database of engaged and trustworthy translators. I would be very interested in having a discussion with you regarding ways to find trustworthy Brazilian Portuguese/English speakers who would be interested in contributing with their time. 

If possible, I would be delighted to have a call with you at a convenient time to further discuss this matter.  

Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Kind regards,
Jessica Robell

Global Fundraising Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

WikimediaBR-l mailing list