Wikimedia España and Fundación ONCE have signed a collaborative agreement aimed to promote the accesibility of the projects hosted by Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., including internationally famed Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In a first phase of this agreement, reading access to content will be studied, although it is also contemplated the possibility of people with disabilities being able to edit Wikipedia.

A team composed of highly qualified personnel in accesibility by Fundación ONCE and Grupo Fundosa company Technosite, and another in MediaWiki (the software of Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia) put forward by Wikimedia España will work coordinately to try to achieve the set purpose.

Even though both teams will initially focus their work in Spanish Wikipedia, everything possible will be done so that results can be shared and used in all language Wikipedias.

Wikimedia España

Wikimedia España is a non-profit Spanish association, officialy recognised by Wikimedia Foundation Inc., as a Wikimedia Chapter in Spain. Its puepose is to promote, directly or indirectly, all free content initiatives, such as those hosted and supported by WMF. Wikimedia España promotes free knowledge especially through the work of volunteers. Its commiment is to work to achieve a world in which all human beings can access knowledge. 


Fundación ONCE

ONCE,  in 1988, creates Fundación ONCE for the Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities. It has as purpose the full inclusion in society of this collective and the improvement of their quality of life, through their incorporation to the work market and by doing activities that support universal accesibility, the design of products and services for everbody, and access to an independent life. Fundación ONCE has contributed to create more than 69,000 jobs and has destined to accesibility projects more than 500 million euros.

Jorge A. Sierra (aka Lucien leGrey)
Chair, Wikimedia España
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