The Public library system does have meeting rooms at their branches and the main library.  This would require a dedicated effort to get it started, application and rules to review and submit.  Most rooms are free unless there are special AV and food needs.
While its not enough time for tomorrow, this could be a topic of discussion if folks were interested in getting a consistent, chatable and easy to get to meeting space that could be upgraded as AV needs require.  I'm sure there are some fabulous places to dine in and around most of the branches, especially the main branch.  We also might be able to get in on their events calendar for more exposure and who knows where that could lead eh?
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Marti Pierce <> wrote:
Mediterranean sounds great!  Brion and I are pretty much up for anything.  I imagine a price range would be in the $10-$15 for food and drink per person?  We've been pretty homebound since I broke my foot in mid January.

Cary - maybe we can carpool it?
Anyone a member of Mechanics' Institute Library?  I do believe that one of the benefits of membership is to have access to conference rooms for meetings.  Not sure if there is a fee involved.
Do any of the public libraries offer meeting rooms for events like this?  I'll see what I can dig up on line for future reference.