Hi Talia! I live in Oakland and would love to help you with this (not like it matters where we live, these days). The Main Branch hosted an editing event a few years ago, but that was just as community space – it would be great to get some of the awesome OPL librarians involved. I’ve been curious about your branch and collections for a long time so I would really welcome this as an opportunity.


From: Wikimedia-SF <wikimedia-sf-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org> On Behalf Of Guzman-Gonzalez, Talia
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 10:42 AM
To: wikimedia-sf@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [External] [Wikimedia-SF] Hosting Black History Month Edit-a-Thon at the African American Museum and Library at Oakland




I am the Branch Manager at the African American Museum and Library at Oakland and I am interested in hosting a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon as part of our Black History Month series of events. In the past I have hosted similar events at the Library of Congress and worked with Ariel Cetrone (Institutional Partnerships Manager at Wikimedia District of Columbia). I am new to the Bay Area Wikimedia community and would appreciate any assistance from local wikimedians to make this event (the first one for the Oakland Public Library system!) happen. 


Your time and guidance is greatly appreciated!





Talía Guzmán-González, Ph.D.

Branch Manager

African American Museum and Library at Oakland

659 14th St., Oakland, CA 94612


Pronouns: she/her


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