I have no issues changing the time.  I just suggested 3 as a random starting point.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 14:47, phoebe ayers <phoebe.ayers@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
we're planning a meetup this Saturday, May 1st, in SF:

There hasn't been much interest yet. So:

* if you are interested please sign up!
* time change: how would you feel about a time change to be earlier --
perhaps 1 pm for a lunch get-together? I can't make it at the current
time of 3pm unfortunately (I need to be in Sacramento at 6).

If that doesn't work let me know.


WikiSym 2010: July 7-9 | http://wikisym.org/ws2010
http://phoebeayers.info | phoebe.ayers@gmail.com

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