Greetings Program Leaders and Evaluators!

Important updates from Learning and Evaluation:

== Grants, programs and learning at Wikimania London [1] ==

After meeting program leaders, community members and volunteers from all over the world, we brought together the views from Grantmaking team. Read the post on the Wikimedia blog [1]. Learn more about the presentations, conversations and meet ups that took place during the latest international conference of the movement!

== Next virtual event: Setting Goals and Targets Using a SMART criteria [2]==

The next virtual event will be on Thursday, September 4, at 15:00 UTC. The meet up will go over setting goals and targets using a SMART criteria, with a special focus on annual plan proposals. Join the event! Everyone is welcome to bring proposal drafts, questions and comments to discuss after the presentations. Check out the guide to choosing goals and measurable results on the Evaluation portal on meta [3]. A presentation will be available shortly before the event for consultation, as well. This meet up will be followed up by consultation hours, scheduled on Wednesday, Sept 10 from 14:00 to 16:00 UTC [4]. Participants will be able to clear up any questions or doubts regarding their FDC Annual Plan proposal.

== Next virtual event: Wikimetrics Overview [5] ==

The Program Evaluation & Design team will host a Wikimetrics workshop on September 17, at 15:00 UTC [5]. This virtual event will go over the tool, its new features and will enable an hour of afterwards to follow up with individual practice for program leaders. If you recently hosted an editing event on wiki projects, bring along your user cohort and find out what impact the event had online!

== Evaluation portal has a new design: read about it on the Wikimedia blog! [6] ==

The new design of the Evaluation portal on Meta comes together with new sections and features. Read about them on the Wikimedia blog, leave us comments and send us your feedback on the portal!

As always, stay up-to-date by connecting on our portal [7].

On behalf of the Program Evaluation and Design team, thank you for your time and attention.

María Cruz  \\  Community Coordinator, PE&D Team \\ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.         :  @marianarra_

Link refereced:

[1] Grants, Programs and Learning: This Year at Wikimania London:

[2] Next virtual meet-up: Setting goals & targets using a SMART criteria

[3] A guide to choosing goals and measurable results:

[4] Office Hours for consultation on “Setting Goals and Targets”:

[5] Wikimetrics Overview:

[6] Evaluation portal redesign:

[7] Upcoming Events Section in PE&D portal: