Please excuse me if I'm writing this at the state of a novice.
All these days, I was under the impression that who ever is working for Wiki are working out of their passion. I might have been mistaken, the attached budget. It is my surprise that the respective folks are earning heafty amount of money.
Before I write anything, please let me know the following.
1) What are the achievements of these respective personal on this specified position
2) Who desides their deliverables?
3) How to evaluate their achievements?
You may find it odd, but this is what everyone thinks. For me "Everyone" means, those who has contributed to the wiki fund.
Please let me know if I've asked the wrong question at the wrong place.
Regards and waiting for the reply.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Vishnu t <visdaviva@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,

In our effort to increase transparency with the working of CIS-A2K programme, we are sharing with you the A2K Programme Budget along with the Utilization for the period Sept. 2012 to February 2013 [1]. We intended to share this with you by mid April, but it got delayed, as we felt the need to propose revisions to the budget in the context of the A2K Work Plans. Apologies for this delay.

The proposed revisions to the budget along with some notes are here [2]. We would appreciate your feedback and suggestions on this. Based on the feedback received from you, we will approach the Wikimedia Foundation seeking for approval of the revised budget. It will be very useful to hear from you on the proposed revisions to the A2K grant budget before May 20, 2013.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Programme Director
Access to Knowledge Programme

[1] http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WMF-A2K_Grant_Budget_and_Utilization_Sept12_-Feb13.pdf

[2] http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WMF-A2K_Revised_Budget_(draft)_and_Utilization_Sept_12-Feb_13.pdf
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