Hi Vishnu,

Thanks for your effort towards transparency.


The content in all the Wikimedia projects are created by volunteers. But, all these projects are run and supported by a Non-profit entity called Wikimedia Foundation (WMF). The foundation employs staff to carry out various requirements as a full time job.

Please see http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Staff_and_contractors . Besides this expenditure and the money needed for running servers, WMF also provides grants to various people who work towards its mission.

You can see the list of grants at


The Access 2 Knowledge program is one such program that has received a grant from WMF towards strengthening and growing the Wikimedia movement in India. It is run by professionals who are employed full time (unlike volunteers who contribute in their spare time from their home). So, obviously they will need a budget. The spendings of all the grant will be monitored by WMF.

Please let me know if you need any clarification.
