
This might interest some people here.

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From: Mac-Jordan D. Degadjor <macjordan.disu@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 8:47 PM
Subject: [BarcampGhana] Apply to attend OpenCon 2017 in Berlin! Applications close August 1st.
To: opencon@sparcopen.org

Hello All,

I’m part of a community called OpenCon — a global community and conference focused on advancing Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data.  The global meeting —Opencon 2017 — is happening in Berlin on November 11-13.  

The conference is targeted toward students and early career academic professionals with an interest in removing barriers to access to scholarly information and educational resources.

I think this conference might interest you or others in your networks! Please see the information below, and share with those who may be interested.
Apply to attend OpenCon 2017 in Berlin! Applications close August 1st.
Do you have an interest in removing barriers to accessing scholarly information (e.g. research articles and data) and educational resources (e.g. textbooks?).  Apply to attend OpenCon 2017: a conference which brings together students and early career academics from around the world to advance Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data.  This year’s 3-day meeting will be held in Berlin, Germany on November 11-13.  Most invited attendees who required financial support will receive full or partial scholarships to attend the conference. For this reason, attendance at OpenCon is by application only.

You can access the application at: apply.opencon2017.org/

Applications close on August 1st, and we encourage you to submit your application early!  
Students and early career academic professionals of all experience levels are encouraged to apply. We want to support those who have ideas for new projects and initiatives in addition to those who are already leading them. The most important criteria is an interest in advancing Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data and a commitment to taking action.

Please email opencon@sparcopen.org if you have any questions.

Mac-Jordan Degadjor 
Information Technology & Social Media Professional 
US/CA: +1 587 340 1511 || Ghana: (+233) 544 335-582


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