Hi James,

1. Yes. I am hoping that the legal services network which we can access through HUB may be willing to provide us with pro bono counsel. The cost is currently budgeted at $800 which is a midrange estimate; it may be $0 or it may be $1500. At this point, we don't know.

2. This is a possibility, but I wouldn't bet on it. I doubt that museums will give discounts for small nonprofits. They typically give discounts for large groups of profit or nonprofit attendees. Whether we can get education or nonprofit discounts will depend on the specific museums and their policies at the time of events. If we are able to develop partnerships with museums then I think it is more likely that we will get discounted or free admission to events.

3. We have discussed the travel budget in some detail internally and with WMNYC. The feeling of our board seems to be that we want to ask for these funds because this guarantees us some attendance at these events, and WMF has not objected to our request for these funds. However, there has been some discussion that if we are given the choice of having funds for travel or funds for staff time, that the funds for staff time take priority because there are other alternatives for travel funds.

4. Under version 3 of the budget, yes, we would run a Summer of Monuments type event here.

5. I will be the part-time employee at approximately 20 hours per month. To give a picture of my workload: so far I've spent about 8 hours in the past week dealing with administrative work related to Cascada, all on unpaid time; and none of the dozens of hours that I spent on designing the three versions of our budget were compensated. This is unsustainable, and we're only running small programs right now while we're in startup mode, so I expect this pace of work to continue if we want to run programs. Regarding taxes, please note that there are taxes budgeted for the position. I anticipate that the workload will fluctuate throughout the year, and 20 hours per month seems about right.

Would you mind if we moved this discussion to Meta so that all of GAC has easy access to this discussion?



This is an Encyclopedia
One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies
The deep rock of our past, in which we must delve
The well of our future,
The clear water we must leave untainted for those who come after us,
The fertile earth, in which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,
And the broad fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not know.
Catherine Munro

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:54 PM, James Hare <james.hare@wikidc.org> wrote:
Some thoughts:

* For the 501(c)(3) registration, have you considered using pro-bono counsel? Wikimedia NYC and Wikimedia DC have benefitted from free legal consulting for our respective application processes, and a lot of law firms offer these pro bono services for tiny upstart nonprofits.

* Museum passes: will people need museum passes if they’re just going to the event? Have you considered getting museum passes as an in-kind donation?

* WikiConference USA already has a scholarship program. We plan to award a lot of scholarships; I imagine anyone from Oregon and Washington who wants to go would be able to.

* Are you offering to run Summer of Monuments out of Wikimedia Cascadia? If so, you have my full support!

* Who are you going to hire at 5 hours/week? I see you’ve accounted for federal payroll taxes, suggesting this will be a payroll employee instead of a contractor. Be sure to also account for Washington taxes, if applicable.

James Hare
President, Wikimedia DC

On Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 2:55 AM, Pine W wrote:

I will set up a conversation with Alex in a week or two to discuss the plan, including any comments made on the Meta page.



This is an Encyclopedia
One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies
The deep rock of our past, in which we must delve
The well of our future,
The clear water we must leave untainted for those who come after us,
The fertile earth, in which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,
And the broad fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not know.
Catherine Munro

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