Hi Pine and Cascadia Wikimedians,

Great to hear the user group is planning for startup costs and events for the next year. Typically, we do not accept proposals under $500 (see eligibility requirements). This policy was put in place to maximize the Grant Advisory Committee, grant requestor, and staff's time. 

We would suggest that you either (1) fund the event yourselves, save the receipts, and then include a request for reimbursement in your first grant (normally we do not encourage retrospective grant requests, but this would be an exception) or (2) request a grant now for at least $500 for small events covering a year or so. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help!



On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Pine W <wiki.pine@gmail.com> wrote:


I hope you are enjoying the holiday today.

December will soon be here, and with it our holiday party. Because of the delays of our User Group application we are significantly behind the timeline that I anticipated when I first discussed the possibility of a holiday party with TA3M.  I'd like to suggest that I personally make a request to GAC for about $50-$75 for food and non-alcoholic beverage expenses for the party, because I want to make sure that GAC has time to process this request before the party happens. Please let me know if there are any concerns. If not I will submit a request to GAC soon.


Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Wikimedia Foundation
+1 415-839-6885
Skype: alexvwang