Dear Mr. Tariq,

Thank you very much for your interest. Wikimedia Bangladesh would be delighted to arrange an event to increase women participation in Wikipedia. I see you are looking for someone related to the chapter management to talk about details. In that case, you can get in touch with me for any kind of queries.

Tanvir Rahman
Wikimedia Bangladesh
Wikitanvir on Wikimedia

Hello Dear Chapter Representative,

Greetings from Insight Communication!
One year back I knocked MR. Belayet to arrange an event for women participation in wiki Bangla movement. Though it didn't get light for sponsor unavailability. This year I would like to arrange an event for the Bangla Wiki brand up in sprite of 21st Feb. So I would like to hear from the top management so that I can talk about details.

Many thanks
+ 88 019 11 11 51 61
Insight Communication
Purana Paltan, Dhaka