I wouldn't be too sure of that. You need to consider who the targeted audience is for your feedback. I would guess the organizers of the coming year(s). So a postmortem would make most sense on the wikimaniateamwiki (yes, another internal wiki). I had in 2008 for example much use of the program committee postmortem documentation of 2007 in Taiwan - even though it was not public. As long as it reaches the right people. It is a lot of effort to make a public version in some cases, and then I really dont see the point of obligating people to make such a version - especially if the consequence of that is that the chance they actually will do that, decreases.


2010/6/21 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton@gmail.com>
On 21 June 2010 22:25, Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you don't allow for private discussion and post-mortems within a group of
> people, then the likelyhood of effective management and feedback decreases.
> This is not because the Wikimania team is being secretive, but because
> talking only amongst yourselves that know each other best gives a place to
> air honest feedback in a way that would not happen if that feeback between
> the team was forced to be public. Furthermore, there is sensitive
> information about things like sponsors, finances, relationships between
> people that simply don't need to be made public as it would cause more harm
> than good. Every chapter has a private executive channel, and even the
> Wikimedia movement has an internal mailing list - none of these imply that
> the rest of the community is "external" but simply that some things are best
> kept private. Furthermore, you can't actually force people to talk in
> public, all you do is drive it underground turning what is a legitimate
> internal discusison into a cabal.

The discussion can happen in private, but the results need to be
public or there is really no point. The people discussing it will
probably never run a Wikimania again, so they don't really need to
know what did and didn't work. Anything that needs to be confidential
can be redacted from the public version and the un-redacted version
only shared with people that specifically need to know (teams
organising future Wikimanias, and maybe those bidding to organise

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