Disappointingly, epl.wikimedia.org is not _at all_ more reliable.  I keep getting losing the connection, both at the venue and here in my hotel, where the wifi is otherwise excellent.

Any ideas?


On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Jeremy Baron <jeremy@tuxmachine.com> wrote:
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Katie Chan <ktc@ktchan.info> wrote:
> It would be easier if there aren't so many different versions at different
> addresses all slightly different.....

Agreed but I think it's not so bad if you know the backstory. (and
maybe I got some of this wrong, ops pls correct me if I did!)

Short version: all new pads should be made on https://epl.wikimedia.org for now.
(maybe epl.wm.o will eventually redirect to etherpad.wm.o ? anyway,
using the epl.wm.o domain should work always even if it redirects you
to etherpad.wm.o )


(we could have maybe already switched etherpad.wm.o to be epl and made
old pads available at e.g. etherpad-old.wm.o in the interim but I
don't think that's worth it at this stage of the migration.)

the labs version just exists because the prod version at the time was
(sometimes) unreliable and there was no point in sight when that would
be fixed. I guess an end of life for the labs version could be
announced very soon. (or at least end of support)

the legacy (java/openoffice.org) version still exists because there
was until recently still a lot of work to do to finish the migration
to the epl version. (there has been a lot of recent migration


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