Hi Mina! I am not sure if we got to meet online, but I see you are Greek and involved in Outreach activities so I hope we will eventually even meet in person in the Balkans. Meanwhile I see you attended many Wikimanias and glad to see you have friendly friends who claim to be pro diversity and confortable with LGBTQ folx, so I am curious about the one you ask a question for. Is she not comfortable asking this question herself? Why do you think that is the case?
Queering Wikipedia 2023 event organizing team is planning offline events and we would like to have them welcoming to all well intendended and tolerant folx. I am curious to know which exact incidents of harassment by 'males who identify as women' do you refer to? Also as you think it is a valid concern, I would love to know why you think this could happen in Wikimania? Because people are mostly Wikipedians and Wikimedians? (hope your friend did not misunderstand the wikiMANIA part of the brand) 

Unrelated to our context, do you and your friend think harassment happens because someone is not-cis?
I would think it is mostly because those people are harassers and they are in bigger numbers as cis. 

Thank you for your answers in advance!

Best Z. Blace

p.s. As a neo-nazi and right-wing militants attack victim (also known to be on their lists) I would love to raise concerns over tolerance for neo-nazi, right-wing and pro-gun militants in Wikimedia, but there was historically no or very little support for concrete work, so I would love for us to brainstorm at one point what makes sense to do, where and when.  

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 8:23 PM Mina Theofilatou <saintfevrier@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm not sure if this is the right thread to ask, but on behalf of a friend who is considering attending I'd like to know about the policy on gendered restrooms in the conference venue. She is very comfortable with the LGBTQ community and celebrates diversity, but is concerned about the possibility of AMAB individuals who self-identify as women using the women's restrooms. I have been to several Wikimanias and I don't recall any related problems having occurred, but I do see that it is a vald concern as there have been incidients of harassment by males who identify as women in other public events. 

Thanks, best wishes for a safe and fruitful Wikimania :) 

On Fri, 23 Jun 2023, 20:22 Wikimania, <wikimania@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Many of you are starting to plan your trips, and we’ve been receiving a lot of questions related to travel to Singapore: visas, vaccines, hotels, weather… We invite you to take a look at our Travel page on the Wikimania Wiki, with subpages for e-visas, attendee information, and accommodations. Feel free to leave a message on any relevant talk pages or reach out to us at wikimania@wikimedia.org if anything is unclear or incomplete. 

To highlight one point–many countries are visa-free for Singapore, but everyone needs to fill out a Singapore entry card before arrival. Also Singapore requires a yellow fever vaccine from many countries–please see if yours is on the list!


Butch Bustria

On behalf of the Core Organizing Team

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