As per latest update: from India 4 Indian, 3 Armenian and 3/2 African rejected.


Jayanta Nath

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 10:34 PM, Dhaval S. Vyas <> wrote:
Can we please not keep this thread dedicated to the discussion that the subject suggests? What European medias has shown and what any individual's belief for any country of the world could be fun to discuss on social media where more people can join. These kind of personal views can hurt feelings of citizens/residents of those countries.

This thread started with the issues faced in getting visa to this year's Wikimania, let us stick to that please.


On 3 Jul 2017 17:18, "DaB." <> wrote:
Am 03.07.2017 um 04:41 schrieb Asaf Bartov:
> DaB.: Wikimania has already been held in a military dictatorship (Egypt,
> 2008), without particular problems.

that’s not a reason to repeat the mistake. If you held an event
(especially such a big one as the Wikimania) in a dictatorship, you
support this dictatorship. You support the suppression of free speech
and other human rights.

And cs, just to quote enwp:

“Since May 2014 Thailand has been ruled by a military junta, the
National Council for Peace and Order, which has partially repealed the
2007 constitution, declared martial law and nationwide curfew, banned
political gatherings, arrested and detained politicians and anti-coup
activists, imposed internet censorship and taken control of the media.”

The conflicts of the yellow- and the red-shirt-people were so bad you
even got reports in European news-programs on TV, and so was the
conflict of the Preah Vihear Temple. So please try not to fool me.

Thailand is surely a great country, but it has many problems
(dictatorship, civil uprisings, corruption, police-corruption, high
number of deaths on road traffic, and so on) that makes it unsuitable
for a conference.


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