It seems to me that it is exactly the advisory board and the board together that are to make headway on issues advise is needed on. Having the advisory board on its own talking among themselves is largely a waste of time and money.

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 1:19 PM, effe iets anders <effeietsanders@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't know how AB's meetings go generally. If it is a meeting of only AB, then they could be at the same time probably, as there is no overlap in members. I don't know either how long a Board Meeting should take this time (don't know about agenda etc), which will also be of influence.

Best regards,


2008/4/20, Florence Devouard <fdevouard@wikimedia.org>:

This is embarassing...

I have only a vague memory that this meeting would occur. I remember it
was discussed but I do not remember we were officially informed it would
occur. So, I thought it would not.

I just went to look at
http://advisory.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meeting_July_2008, and see that Pat
Hughes has been retained for the meeting. Was a budget approved on this
? Is the budget planned for one day or two days ? (15 or 16 ? or both ?)

We need to hold a board meeting and it can not happen after wikimania
largely because Jimmy will not be available. I also do not want it to
happen during Wikimania, as it will be at the expense of the time we can
share with the community and will be necessarily a tiny short time.
Wikimania is already such a crowded agenda for board members that it
would not be fair to do that. So, there is only the days before which
are left free.

What are the options ?


Angela wrote:
> You realise this clashes with the advisory board meeting? That was set
> for the 15th and 16th more than 2 months ago.
> Angela
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 5:53 PM, Florence Devouard <anthere@anthere.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  FYI
>>  Ant
>>  PS: could someone add me to the white list of the wikimania planning list ?
>>  -------- Original Message --------
>>  Subject: [Fwd: Board meeting in Egypt]
>>  Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 18:37:38 +0200
>>  From: Florence Devouard <anthere@anthere.org>
>>  Reply-To: anthere@anthere.org
>>  To: wikimania-planning-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>>  -------- Original Message --------
>>  Subject: Board meeting in Egypt
>>  Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 23:55:42 +0200
>>  From: Florence Devouard <anthere@anthere.org>
>>  Reply-To: anthere@anthere.org
>>  To: wikimania-planning-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>>  Hello,
>>  Following previous discussions on the board list and on the wikimania
>>  irc channel, I would like to confirm that the board of WMF will hold a
>>  meeting on the 16th of july (ie, day immediately before Wikimania).
>>  Participants to that meeting will be
>>  * current board members
>>  * newly elected members
>>  * ED
>>  * (plus any person as necessary...).
>>  Best
>>  Ant
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