Ha! Tom, I like your thinking about Arianna and Wikinews relationship. For that reason, having her in some way that isn't just a "keynote" per se would be interesting. Perhaps a "conversation with Arianna" or an on-stage interview would be interesting.

On the other hand, Arianna is not known to go to Asia that much on the Huffington Post's behalf, and if she's not headlining I'm not sure she'd be interested.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Tom Morris <tom@tommorris.org> wrote:
On Thursday, October 4, 2012, Steven Walling wrote:
3. Arianna Huffington. Not really a fan of this pick. Can get quite political, and not obvious the overlap between her site and free culture.

+1. Too American-centric, too political.

Must note that as a Wikinewsie, it might interesting to have someone like Arianna or someone else who is involved in social news and citizen journalism. But that might conflict with the requirement that we never talk about the sister projects. :-)

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