Hi guys,

I am not on the official logistics team so I cannot tell you exactly where to go when you arrive. But I can give you a little bit of general gdansk travel information:

1) the venue is the Baltic Philharmonic, Polska Filharmonia Bałtycka im. Fryderyka Chopina .
2) the various hotels are scattered around the city (all within a fairly close radius to the venue however)
3) here's a map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=pl&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=117126163892714460579.000466478a8b96d9f7d6d&ll=54.351854,18.659163&spn=0.024661,0.077248&z=14
which personally I would print out the central part of so as to have something to show a taxi driver.

A taxi from the airport to this part of the city costs about 50pln. (15USD, 12 Euro). At night it will be more expensive: 65pln. There is a bus between the airport & the railway station (Gdansk Glowny), but that overshoots where you want to be in the old city (http://www.polrail.com/sections/travel/railairlinks.html#Gdansk).

The Gdansk airport is small! It is only a few gates. So you won't get hopelessly lost. Basically, you get off the plane, go through immigration (or not, you'll likely be coming on a transfer flight from another EU country), claim your luggage, walk out the door and there are the taxis. Then it's about 8km into central gdansk.

-- Phoebe

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Morgan Chan <morgand536@wikimedia.hk> wrote:
Actually I will arrive Gdansk in 5 days later, but i still dunno where to go when i arrived.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Abbas Mahmoud <abbasjnr@hotmail.com> wrote:

When we arrive in Gdansk, will there be an Wikimania 2010 official at the airport to guide us to the venue or will we have to find our way through by ourselves?

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Morgan Chan
Morgan Chan
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