Hi Olga,

Maybe you could try airbnb? There are several around in the Cape.

Vriendelijke groet,

2018-07-07 22:28 GMT+02:00 Olga Lidia Paredes Alcoreza <olga.lidi@gmail.com>:
Hi Abbad, I´ll be at cape town some adys after, do you have any
recomendations to find  hosting?

2018-05-29 14:19 GMT-04:00, Abbad Diraneyya <aaddira@hotmail.com>:
> Hi everyone,
> I'll be arriving in Cape Town a day earlier than other scholarship
> recipients, on July 15th, and will be staying for one night in the nearby
> Stay Easy Cape Town City Bowl. The minimal rate for both single and double
> rooms seems to be the same. Would anyone be interested in sharing?
> I'll be making the reservation in about 48 hours, so you'll need to inform
> me ASAP.
> Best,
> Abbad.

Olga Lidia Paredes Alcoreza, Arq.
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