On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Sven Manguard <svenmanguard@gmail.com> wrote:
Looking over the plans in the timeline section of that page, it looks like there isn't a general community input section, where people unaffiliated with the bidding or judging process can say things as basic as "I would attend the proposed London Wikimania but would not attend the proposed Arusha one". In fact, there doesn't even appear to be a section in the criteria that accounts for whether the community at large is interested in or opposed to specific bids or bid locations. I realize that the bidding process is not a democracy, and that such a selection criteria would convey significant advantages to cities/countries that have a large number of users or are especially effective at mobilizing users to comment, but if many more users want to go to one location over another, shouldn't that be taken into account?


Hi Sven,

Well, members of the community are more than welcome to comment on the talk pages two bids -- some folks have been commenting, but more opinions/questions/thoughts would be very welcome.

One truism of Wikimania is that every bid location is better for some segment of the community and worse for others, either geographically or geopolitically or both. That's a big part of why locations have rotated around the globe. So rather than just a simple "I would attend/wouldn't attend" it might be more helpful to have a specific discussion about how any given bid would work for the community: for instance, noting that the London bid is more convenient for Wikimedians in northern Europe, or that we've never had a Wikimania in sub-Saharan Africa, or noting ease of travel for various places, and so on.


* I use this address for lists; send personal messages to phoebe.ayers <at> gmail.com *