Hi Ellie,

I'm very confused by the submissions process. According to the page on-wiki, you're only looking for 42 presentations (a maximum of 10 of which can be WMF-related), and you have to sign up to a third-party website to submit a presentation. That's very different from past Wikimanias, where many more presentation slots were available (by a factor of 10 or so), and you could transparently submit a proposal on-wiki (without giving a third party your details). What's going on - why has this changed so much from past years, and why are the number of presentations so restricted?

(Leaving aside the apparent absence of open calls for non-"critical issue" presentations/posters/discussions/training sessions, where you apparently have to ask the organisers nicely off-wiki if you want to do one of these...)


On 4 Jan 2016, at 23:05, Ellie Young <eyoung@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Hi all,

Two important reminders concerning Wikimania 2016, which will be held in Esino Lario, Italy on June 22–27, 2016:

The Submission deadline has been extended by the program committee to January 17th.  See:


The deadline for applications for the WMF Scholarship program is approaching!    Applications are open until  Saturday, January 09 2016  23:59 UTC.

Applicants will be able to apply for a partial or full scholarship. A full scholarship will cover the cost of an individual's round-trip travel, shared accommodation, and conference registration fees as arranged by the Wikimedia Foundation. A partial scholarship will cover conference registration fees and shared accommodation.

 To learn more about Wikimania 2016 scholarships, please visit:


To apply for a scholarship, fill out the multi-language application form on:


It is highly recommended that applicants review all the material on the Scholarships page and the associated FAQ ( https://wikimania2016.wikimedia.org/wiki/Scholarships/FAQ ) before submitting an application.

If you have any questions, please contact:

wikimania-scholarships at wikimedia.org

or leave a message at:


 Ellie Young

Events Manager

Wikimedia Foundation

Wikimania-l mailing list