On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:28 PM, Andrew Lih <andrew@andrewlih.com> wrote:

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 9:55 AM, James Hare <messedrocker@gmail.com> wrote:
Indeed. I have been without power for 23 hours now.

And off-the-grid Wikimania... now there's an intriguing concept. :)

Still can't buy gasoline or groceries or use my mobile phone, but got power back :) and expect things back to normal soon.

In the decades I've lived in DC with all our snowmaggedons and hurricanes, I've never seen anything so bizarre here with such widespread effects.  It's anything but normal.

For folks coming here, good idea to bring light clothing, drink plenty of water, enjoy the air conditioning in the venue, museums, etc. and if there are thunderstorms, obviously, don't be outside.  




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