2015-07-26 18:52 GMT+02:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com>:
Nicolas VIGNERON, 26/07/2015 18:41:
Label are indeed unique but you can add as many alias as you want (see
french label on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3533061 ). You just need
to choose a primary one, is it a problem ?

Yes it is a potential problem, think of name/label "Municipio" or "Duomo". The label could be made unique by adding the name of the institution somewhere, of course; no idea whether that's accepted, surely it's ugly (and a maintenance burden).

I'm a bit lost, are you not making a confusion about the meaning of « Unique » in English? (I made the same confusion as a French speaker).

You have to choose one single label per item (except aliases) but this label could be use on multiple item.
Hundreds of item could have the label « Municipio ». It is very common for the churches (look for « église Saint-Martin » in French).

Cdlt, ~nicolas