Hi Katie,

I'm particularly referring to the national processes here. I saw someone mention that India might get 100.000 images... (worst case?) and that got me thinking ;) Every country will have a slightly different process. 

I think it is a nice approach to have people rate. If we can just then add access options (access for all, or for a specified group). I don't have a clou if WP is the best option. But bear in mind the interface should be able to hold up to 100.000 images. Ideally:

* It would allow organizers to simply insert a list of commons file names for the photos
* It would allow organizers to specify who should have access to the voting interface
* It would allow organizers to have an overview of who voted, how often
* it would allow the user to show X images on a page, on a specified size and rank each of them
* It would allow the user to sort based on name, date, number of rankings and current ranking
* It would include a simple option (clicking) to enlarge the picture, and include a link to the detail page on commons. 

Does that make sense? 


2012/6/21 aude <aude.wiki@gmail.com>
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
Hi all,

is there anyone who would be willing to help set up a jury process tool that can be used in multiple countries? I'm looking for a software tool that makes juring more easy than going through commons categories. Would be happy to brainstorm if someone is willing to work it out. 

We have a technical volunteer "intern" helping us in DC and this is something he wants to work on.

I'm not exactly sure how the process worked last year, but we're thinking either integrating something into the WordPress site so that people can browse photos (pulled from Commons, like InstantCommons) and rate them.  A public voting phase could help narrow the selection for the jury, which could also make use of the tool.

Thoughts? suggestions? brilliant ideas?





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