Ok, it may not have much effect, but is there any harm in trying?

On 20 September 2013 18:32, Maarten Dammers <maarten@mdammers.nl> wrote:
Hi Maarten

Op 20-9-2013 10:59, Maarten Deneckere schreef:

I don't think we will gain that much new contributors using a more prominent sitenotice. Most people just ignore it. Just ask friends and family, do they read that message?

I organised WLM both in Belgium and South Africa, and I have far better experiences attracting people with a personal approach, eg. real life WLM events, our mailing list, Facebook groups.
+1 to that. The central notice banner should be part of a broader campaign to promote Wiki Loves Monuments. Last couple of years we also had articles in magazines, etc. Bit too late for that now I guess...


Richard Nevell
Wikimedia UK
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