I am interested.
User name: Violetova
Chair of the Board of Shared Knowledge / WMMK

Activityr in Macedonia:
Wiki loves cultural heritage 2013 - organizer
Wiki loves Earth 2014 - organizer
Wiki loves monuments 2014 - help and organize


2014-12-30 10:18 GMT+01:00 Romaine Wiki <romaine.wiki@gmail.com>:
Hello all,

The beginning of a new year is close, and we should start in January with a team to organise Wiki Loves Monuments 2015. So the question is:

Who is interested in joining the international team?

* You have organized Wiki Loves Monuments in one or more earlier years in your country (or a similar contest)
* You have the time to commit yourself from January to December 2015 to organize Wiki Loves Monuments in a team. We have monthly meetings with in the weeks before the actual contest a weekly meeting.

What the international team does:
* The team helps local teams with answers, advice, and communicates about what is expected and what deadlines there are.
* Creates lists of monuments
* Maintains a monument database
* Requests and has a budget
* Searches for sponsors
* Chooses prizes
* Sends survey
* Creates a calendar?
* Does the reporting
and a lot more...

For 2015 we should aim for reaching out to all the countries/areas where a team has participated in earlier years, to reach out to chapters and user groups who haven't organized it before, and to reach out to Wikipedia communities which have no chapter and no experience in organisation but do want to do this. There are still a lot of countries without lists of monuments on Wikipedia,

So if you commit your enthousiasm and your time to the team, be welcome!

Let us know!

Kind regards,


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