Hi all,

Not sure I'll be available on Wednesday. I'll try.
Thanks for the notes, I read them and I'll be very interested to discuss and help about monuments in Wikidata.


Le dim. 31 janv. 2021 à 17:39, Krishna Chaitanya Velaga <kcvelaga@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hello everyone,

The Wiki Loves Monuments international team would like to invite you to an office hour on upcoming Wednesday, i.e. February 3 @ 5:00 am UTC. This hour is open to anyone interested in Wiki Loves Monuments, including past and future national organizers. Please join us to discuss the plans for the team's 2021 grant proposal, volunteering with the international team, or any other topics that you would like to bring. We have seen tremendous national results from the 2020 competition, and there are many valuable lessons from this past year that we can take into the years ahead. 

The first office hours concluded a few minutes ago, and the etherpad notes can accessed at https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WLM-2021-1. The upcoming one is the second office hour in line, with the same agenda - we are hosting two to accommodate people from various time zones.

The meeting details are as follows:

We hope that you are able to join us, and we look forward to the discussion.

Krishna Chaitanya
on behalf of Wiki Loves Monuments International Team

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