2015-07-26 19:12 GMT+02:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com>:
Nicolas VIGNERON, 26/07/2015 19:09:
More explicitely, can you give two items where you are have to have the
exact same label *and* description?

We don't have descriptions, so we're left only with label.

Oh, ok...
But how can the object be in WLM if there is no possible description?
Is there Wikipédia articles or lists about these objects

Again, this can be worked around by adding some "noise" into either label or description (like "object authorised by institution X for WLM"), but first we need a policy, guideline or discussion to state this is ok for Wikidata.


I'm sure it's ok ; you don't need a policy but you can start a discussion if you want.

P1435 could maybe use for "object authorised by institution X for WLM" and NO it's not noise, it's data!

Cdlt, ~nicolas