Hi, Cheol!

Congratulations on finalizing the date for the event at the library.  Now we actually have to make it happen... :)

Alongside Liam, I will be able to attend the event and deliver a talk about the Wikimedia Foundation and the Global Education Program ("campus ambassadors").  

Since it's a long and expensive trip, I would like to make the most of it by adding more activities to my schedule while there.  I will be spending a few days in Korea (probably no more than a week), and would love to help the Korean Wikipedia community in any way I can: this could be by giving some public talks (ideally on university campuses), convening a social meet-up of Korean Wikipedians, and giving a 2-3 hour workshop on some Wikimedian topic, such as creating partnerships, effective outreach, motivating volunteers, etc.  (Perhaps Liam would be able to give a GLAM workshop as well, if there's interest.)

The success of such a visit absolutely depends on the extent of the _planning_ work we put into it.  It takes writing letters and arranging dates and venues for the public talks, publicizing the visit on community channels and getting people interested in the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and learn from each other, etc.  From my end, things are still completely flexible, so we can start planning this collaboratively (on a page in Meta, in a Google Doc, Etherpad, whatever works for you).

Let me know if this proposed visit suits your community's situation and interest, and if so, how you would like to proceed with planning.



2011/9/7 RYU Cheol <rcheol@gmail.com>
Hi, Liam

I got the confirm from the library. 
FIRST KOREAN WIKIPEDIA ACADEMY WILL HAPPEN ON 19th NOVEMBER AT THE #1 LIBRARY IN KOREA. I love to guide you to travel Korea for the time between two events.

I will be happy to know who will bring us a speach on WP Ambassador.


·ùö µå¸²

2011. 9. 7. ¿ÀÈÄ 11:00 Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt@gmail.com> ÀÛ¼º:

Hi all,
This period of time works well for me, indeed I would like potentially to stay a couple of days more (at my own expense) to see some of the country as I have never visited before, and perhaps we can do some other things together like a local wikmeeetup :-)

So any time from the 7th of November is fine with me and I can book my own tickets when you give me precise details. 

However, I will defer to Asaf about costs etc. before making final plans, now that we have acceptable dates agreed together.


Sent from my phone.

    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation