
Please provide some input on the programme for the upcoming Wikimedia Conference. What topics would you like to see addressed?  What would be useful for your group and community?


I am part of the programme team [1] for next year's Wikimedia Conference [2] (April 2014 (exact dates to be announced), in Berlin, Germany) and at the moment we are collecting relevant input from all chapters and other affiliates. Our aim is to ensure that all voices are heard in the content design phase and that all important topics being discussed in the movement become visible.

We are collecting burning questions and hot topics [3], as well as feedback regarding the programme of previous conferences [4]. After that, the programme team will collectively cluster and prioritze those topics, supported by our facilitator Anna Lena Schiller. In January, we will then start designing an agenda based on content input from all stakeholders while considering previous experiences/evaluations/feedback.

I would be glad if you and your community could add your thoughts and ideas, too! Please provide your hot topics, if possible before November 23rd, and help us come up with a diverse and efficient programme, leading to useful outcomes. You can send your input either via email, or if you prefer, you can directly add to the Meta page[3].

Our questions for you:

Most important:

* What are your hot topics and burning questions?

Nice to have:

* What did we do that we should continue doing?

* What did we do that we should do more of?

* What did we do that we should continue doing?

* What did we do that we should do more of?

* What did we do that we should do less of?

* What did we do that we should stop doing?

* What didn't we do that we should start doing?

Should you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. You can also reach out to the whole programme team via the Meta talk page.

Thanks a lot and best regards,


P.S.: The event management team at Wikimedia Deutschland (our hosts) is finalising the contract with the venue and we hope to be able to announce the final dates by the end of next week. It will most probably be 10-13 April. We will open the registration after prioritising the topics, to give all affiliations the chance to send the representatives whom they think can best cover and discuss these topics.

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2014/Programme_team

[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2014

[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2014/Programme#What_are_the_hot_topics.3F

[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2014/Programme#Review_of_previous_conference_programmes

    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation

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