I think weeding out trolls is a primary task of Mediators.
I agree with Anthere that disputes between good contributors can be resolved with logic and courtesy.
I think, however, that as soon as the Mediation Committee realizes that One of the parties is not interested in Wikipedia goals but is just yanking our collective chain -- then label them a troll and refer them to Arbitration for their time-out.
This is exactly the same technique I used in my Sunday School. If a child is willing to apologize and make up, then no punishment is necessary. Otherwise, time-out: immediate, no debate, no appeal.
My class became so quiet and happy that enrollment quickly doubled! (Pretty good considering my only experience teaching young kids was one viewing of "Kindergarten Cop"!!)
When word got out, people came from several states away, just to find out how I did it.
Don't feed the trolls! Give them a time-out!!

Ed Poor
Application Engineering