My fault, but it seemed a simple way to deal with it. The person running JRR Trollkin always choses a name that says, "I'm I troll; I dare you to ban me". Not terribly sophisticated. It seemed a simple way to deal with the troll movement (probably only one person) as a whole.

We bogged down on the notion that a person could chose a "troll" name and still be a useful and responsible contributor. Which is true in theory, but someone who innocently did that would probably also be willing to select a name that did not include "troll" without a fuss.


From: John Robinson <>
Reply-To: English Wikipedia <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 23:16:17 -0500
To: English Wikipedia <>
Subject: [WikiEN-l] Ban policy

c) at least a month of which was caused by some sort of crazy departure from the case itself ("JRR Trollkien is an offensive name". Where did that come from? Why was that even put forth?)