This is an insult to the people who actually participate in Votes for Deletion and feel that we and the page provide a useful function.  If you feel that any and all pages need to be kept, then why don't you say so on the VfD page?  Because you are better than that?  You're above it?  VfD is beneath your contempt?  You are so much superior to those of us who feel that made-up articles and people's resumes don't belong on Wikipedia?
Please explain how to fix an article which contains nothing but a resume of someone nobody has ever heard of.

"Poor, Edmund W" <> wrote:
Thanks for pointing out some of the flaws in [[Votes for Deletion]].

I pretty much ignore that page completely. Except a few cases where
someone called my attention to a doomed article they thought I might
care about.

Instead, once or twice a month I glance at the article deletion log and
resurrect anything that was thrown out too hastily (it's the Ent in me,
I guess: no such thing as dead wood, hoom, hoom).

The voting process is silly, and there's no consensus.

Whatever happened to [[Wikipedia:be bold]]?

Anyway, I hardly ever want to delete anything; I'd rather fix it. I can
followe Ahoermeister (spelling?) around and un-delete half the stuff he
throws out and make a perfectly good stub out of it...

Ed Poor
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