>Yes, Martin is very often on-the-mark -- its good to see people seem to recognizing 
>that. (Considering that at a certain point, I thought he was gonna get banned. ;)

<chuckle>, yes, I know what you mean. I thought I myself was going to get banned when I first started at Wikipedia. Maybe it's the "reformed sinner" who becomes the best proponent of goodness. That's one reason I worked so hard to get Lir reinstated. Why, I must have spent at least $500 worth of consulting time in behind-the-scenes negotiations.
Uncle Ed
-----Original Message-----
From: Stevertigo [mailto:utilitymuffinresearch2@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:14 AM
To: English Wikipedia
Subject: RE: [WikiEN-l] bans and blocks - proposed modificaion

"Poor, Edmund W" <Edmund.W.Poor@abc.com> wrote:

>You have my support for any changes you propose to the banning and
>blocking procedure. I trust your judgment and FWIW you have my "proxy" -
>you may even erase my 2 "objections" from [[Wikipedia:Bans and blocks]],
>as they are now obsolete.


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