
Two things to consider; the Wikipedia community and the Wikidata community are two separate entities. As far as I am concerned, Wikidata needs more data to get to the tipping point where it becomes useful to users. I am really vocal about both.

The license has traditionally been a sticking point and the "not invented here" aspect of DBpedia is as well. You are effectively outside the Wikipedia community.. The other part is that the data of Wikidata is continually updated while DBpedia is not. So in my opinion the best thing that can happen is when DBpedia DOES update with Wikidata. The point is not to absorb it without thinking.

What DBpedia has is a set of properties that work on the data that it has gleaned from the many Wikipedias.  There is undoubtedly a lot of documentation on it and, it would be good when this is taken into consideration when accepting and proposing new properties for Wikidata. Obviously only the properties that are currently supported can be proposed at this time. I am quite willing to propose properties based on DBpedia (but so can you).

With the properties in place, we can import data. We can import it from both DBpedia and from Wikipedia. Sanity checks are needed for both sources and as far as I am aware we do not have sanity checks at Wikidata.

What we do have is the possibility to compare data with other sources and that is where the Wikidata community needs to grow and that is why we need much data in the first place in order to get into this. However, we can start building the tools to do this. I hope the DBpedia community can help us with that.

On 26 August 2013 09:16, Dimitris Kontokostas <kontokostas@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
Speaking from DBpedia (not on behalf), we have been always trying to find ways to contribute data back to wikipedia and If licencing is the only issue here I am sure we can make any necessary arrangements.

imho the main scepticism so far was "trust" from the WIkipedia community to load data in bulk.
However, there are datasets of very high quality in DBpedia that could be used for that purpose.

Recently we are experimenting in an alternative where people can manually import single facts in Wikidata from the DBpedia resource interface.
Here's a recent talk about this [1] on the tech list. Any comments on that are also welcome.


[1] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikidata-tech/2013-August/000189.html

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 6:18 PM, David Cuenca <dacuetu@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I will answer with questions with more questions...

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:

The questions are: 
  • would we advance a lot when we adopt the DBpedia schema as it is? 
Which schema? All of them? Some? Article classification? Infobox extraction? Wikidata is going to be linked to the infoboxes in Wikipedia, so the priority is to support those needs, not to replicate any schema.


  • Would we be open to include substantially more data? 
Which data? All of it? What is the reliability?

  • When we adopt the schema, can we tinker with it to suit our needs? 
Again, could you please give some example of what to import and how should it be adapted?
If the answers to these questions are yes, what is the point in procrastinating???

Do we have already all the datatypes that would be needed? Most of the properties that are missing is because of the lack of "value" or others.


One other big thing of DBpedia is that it is connected to many external resources. This will make it possible to verify our data against these other sources. This is imho the more important thing to do with the time of our volunteers. Doing the things that have already been done is a waste of time.

The thing is that if those resources already are in dbpedia, we can just use dbpedia as a bridge, that is how linked data is supposed to be... no need to replicate everything, but of course, if it is worth replicating, we can go through case by case.


Wikidata-l mailing list

Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Research Group: http://aksw.org

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