That sounds to me as very useful indeed, Amir.
I'm a newby to wikidata but as soon as I am back from my holiday (as of 5/5) I'd like to help.
I know how to transliterate Armenian, Georgian, Ukrainian and Russian to internationally standardized (ISO-standards) forms (and to English and maybe French and German too). Problem could be that these standardized forms lead to diacritic characters (e.g. hacek on 'c' & 's'; Чайковский ---> Čajkovskij and Щедрин ---> Ščedrin). Is wikidata able to deal with these?

best regards,
Eric van Balkum ('Eric de Muziekbibliothecaris')
(former) Music Librarian, managing authority database at
'Music was my first love, and it will be my last'

Amir Ladsgroup schreef op 2015-04-22 14:48:

I started bot of auto-transliterating names of humans, initially with Persian and English (as a pair) since I know both and I can debug. After some modifications, In the last check, In more than several hundreds of edits I checked, I couldn't find any errors, I want to expand this bot for other languages but before, I need opinions of people who know rules of transliterating names in these languages, I tried to realize rules and this is my result but I need someone familiar to confirm
*Chinese: Instead of space it uses "·" character (it's not dot) but order is the same. e.g Alan Turing is: "艾伦·图灵" which "艾伦" means Alan and "图灵" means Turing
*Japanese: it's the same but different separator: "・", e.g. "アラン・チューリング"
*Russian: The separator is space character but order is like "FamilyName, GivenName" e.g. "Тьюринг, Алан" is "Turing, Alan". Handling names with more than two words would be pretty complicated (I skip them)
*I checked Hebrew and Greek and both are simple languages like Persian, same order, space as separator.
If you can help me, it would make a great difference in number of labels in your language. Things you can help are:
1- Confirm or correct rules of these languages and add other rules if needed.
2- Suggest more languages. I thought about Sanskrit, Hindi, and Telugu but I don't know anyone who can check the rules, if you do, please help me.
3- For any language I will do an initial run just to test, if you can check edits of the bot (which is pretty easy, e.g. see this) it would be awesome.

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